Bans (Read Only) > Approved

A general minge -.-

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Players steamID: STEAM_0:0:24989901
Players Nick: (Long list) INVENTOR, pew pew, wheels, butters, juke box(caught under this one),mp3 player
My ingame name: .:~RND`=- accelleon
Server name: Wirebuild
Description: Well this has happened at least 3 times exactly in the same way but: when he changed his name to pew pew i got his steamID and made a e2 that checks for his steamID (because he caused alot of trouble before hand), and when he joins he normally plays a specific music or just spams music in general(thats not the problem). he was playing the music that he played under other ids so i checked his steamID and it was a match. I told him not to do anything and he sort of ignored me saying he was INVENTOR. he was doing fine until i assume his patience trying to build something ran out and he spawned his car. we decided that he was being the same nuisance he normally is and tried to kick him. But he started spamming props apparently a couple seconds before the vote started and by the time almost everyone hit yes, he hit the prop limit. And my gmod crashed, i got back on asap and took this screen shot.
Reason for ban: Pew Pew spammer, prop spammer

also if it means anything quite a bit of people on the server have seen this happen (Peetah and Cesar for 2)

A little more evidence would make it more concrete, but, I think this is sufficient to get the asshat banned, I hope  ???


im hoping that 1 pic of his spam (as Juke Box) is enough
if not that sucks cause hes caused sooo much trouble over the past week or so

I'll check this tomarrow

The Ghost Of Anony Mouse:
he needs a ban but this report needs a little more pictures


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