Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

3/23/2011 Application: Somerandomguy

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SOMERANDOMGUY'S              VIP         Application!


Intro: Well hello everyone and if the giant rainbow title didnt catch your attention this is my VIP application =] So first of all i'd like to thank you all for taking the time to read/comment on this app, i'd like to thank Teeny for posting this, and finally i'd like to thank my friends for convincing me to get off my lazy arse and make this application =p.

A little about myself: My name is Brian i'm 15 and I live in the states. I love music, writing, chedder jack cheeze-its, and just listening to a good story. I began playing on these servers a while back when the respected system was still up and people like Cobra,Conmana, etc... still played, I left for reasons out of my control and returned around December of last year, in this time ive gotten the opportunity to meet many wonderful people in the community and have been able to retain a positive or at least neutral relationship with everybody. (To my knowledge i really dont know anyone that hates me =]) My hobbies include, writing songs/stories,playing TTT, creating stuff in minecraft.

Some specs and stuff:
Steam ID-STEAM_0:0:19586384,
IGN - RND`=-~SomeRandomGuy-Prop[Nope] - *Note anything next to Prop is subject to change =p
Games - Garrysmod,HL2,TF2,CSS,S.T.A.L.K.E.R,MineCraft, alot more but lets just leave it as that there are TOOOOO MANY.

Reasons Why I should be VIP-  Well ive always made things in-game fun and i am well oriented with the rules of most of our servers so moderating and keeping the game fun is not a problem for me, I am very sociable (maybe a bit too much sometimes) so talking to people and getting to the roots of a problem and coming up with a fair compromise is not a problem for me either. When given a position of power im never one to abuse, nor underuse it. I believe that everyone including my friends should be treated the same in a situation in which rules are being broken. I'm genearly pretty friendly and won't be an asshat to everyone but im no pushover so watch it =D

Reasons why I would like to be a VIP - Well while i would like to say I want VIP to eliminate all the minges that would be illogical, there are already enough VIPs for that task,though there has been an a recent inflation of minges and I WILL assist in getting rid of all of them if such behavior is to continue. But then why do I want VIP? Well first of all as stated above, i love listening and talking to people, I would very much love to be that person that comes and say Welcome to rANdOm! And how much better would that be coming from a VIP and not coming from some regular (which i do believe is being handed out like candy just like respected was, but thats a conversation for another day.)  I'd like to be there for anybody that needs help getting around and for people that are just starting out. I also want VIP for another reason though, It may not seem like it but ive been with the RnD community for a while now and well as stupid as it may sound I also want the position of VIP because it'd be like wearing a badge of commitment, (though i havnt really made any large contributions to the community except just being here.) And of course i will always be here to assist by starting votes on minges and those causing grief to the community.

Some active buddies-

and many more! (god and I said i'd stop trying to be the next Billy May's....)

Conclusion- And there ya go! I thank you and congratulate you for taking the time and having the patience to read my application! (these danm fingers of mine need to learn to stop typing) If you have any questions or are not sure what to put on my application you can contact me by PMing me here on the forums, hitting me up with a message or visiting me in the TTT server. Again i thank you and will see you all later!

Very decent application!
I've seen him on TTT quiet a lot. Can't remember if he minged or not...
But from my memory I think hes pretty acceptable.

Well, I have a similar opinion on Somerandomguy as i do Pryvisee, but I think I'll +1 this.
You're a pretty fun, friendly guy, and I might be a bit of a hypocrite for saying so, but I wasn't too sure if you might abuse a little as a joke or something similar, like what I said in Pryvisee's app. I'm fairly confident that you won't though, after thinking of it for a second.
You know the rules well and have common sense and logic, and I'm sure you would be a fine VIP.

Alright, I have had a talk with a few people and have indeed re-decided.
The RDMing and the ghosting was a long time ago, and while the door spamming has been fairly recent, that is no reason to -1.
The intention to random ban is something I'm unsure about - I don't want to base my entire vote on this.

You are a funny, reasonable, light headed guy and I love playing with you - I'd love to see you as VIP, even though you definitely would have to be watched, just like DannyDoss.
 :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

For anyone interested, here's the previous -1:
Spoiler: a (click to show/hide)I will try to keep this short and classic, starting with my usual sentence.
Somerandomguy, I like you. You're a funny guy. You often stay neutral in the biggest fights between several groups, something I respect highly.
I don't think you should be VIP.
I don't know if it's just me, but you seem as if you were willing to abuse "out of fun" as soon as the opportunity arrives. Unlike Sabb, who has thought about his decision and came up with something else, I don't think you would even attempt to resist the temptation of abusing if SourceBans would be down once.
Even if that would not be true, you can be extremely immature at times - while this happens on other VIPs as well (and I was tempted to -1 them for that too, but knew better), in this case it's just another reason as to why I have decided for this vote.
Added to that, I have seen you break minor and major rules here and there - spamming doors, RDMing, ghosting. Nothing big enough to be reported or taken care of, but little things build up over time.

For the first time, I'm truly sorry for -1ing something.


Taught me how to traitor, never lost a traitor round since


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