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Suggestions for Winter Survival

(1/2) > >>

1. Votemap at the end of rounds (There are shitty maps and Id rather not play them)
2. Reduce damage of the bow to maybe half
3. Slow Rate of Fire for the bow (Bows can qui (bows can one-shot kill)
4. Make an arc trajectory for bow (The bow in general is too overpowered and is used to snipe a person with 1 shot without them having a change to dodge it or to fight back.)
5. Fix the scrolling tab in the inventory screen (i hate dropping stuff just to find things that arent shown in the inventory)
6. More Maps
7. Recipe Book Tab (To see recipes, Derp)

These things are just the basic suggestions that would make Winter Survival ALOT better

glad to see you made it to jr. mem.
i never play ws but sounds good to me

Mr. Franklin:
Good Suggestions +1

I want a map for WS - I would name it ws_trappedingodsfreezer. Basicly a huge freezer belonging to god! ANTI ATHIEST MAP!


--- Quote from: andrewerickdias on September 05, 2010, 12:14:47 AM ---I want a map for WS - I would name it ws_trappedingodsfreezer. Basicly a huge freezer belonging to god! ANTI ATHIEST MAP!

--- End quote ---

Oi! attacking me personally now are you?


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