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Whoever has been following the news and looked beyond the Japanese disaster might (and should) have noticed this "little" civil war currently going on in Libya.
The conflict started with the Libyan people joining in to the "Muslim uprising" currently going on and starting to protest against their dictator, Colonel Gaddafi. After the first wave of protesters was shot down (literally ... that's how Libya handles protests), a huge rebel group quickly formed, captured half of Libya and started fighting against the Colonel's forces.
After a few days of fighting and moderate casualties on both sides, Gaddafi re-assembled his army (and hired a few mercenaries) in order to strike back at the rebels - which he successfully did and now the rebels are down to one single stronghold in the middle of nowhere after taking huge casualties in giant battles between rebel and support troops.

The UN has told Gaddafi to step down immediately, but he is still insisting that this is not a civil war and the UN is simply supporting terrorists against him ... Even though he is a known supporter and donator to many famous terrorist groups.

Anyway, after calling out for a simple No-Flight zone over Libya, the UN is now considering moving troops into Libya to support the rebels and fight against Colonel Gaddafi's forces - meaning America, Europe, Asia and Saudi-Arabia would declare war on Libya until Colonel Gaddafi decides to step down. Unfortunately, the rebels are mostly crushed and it might be too late for any help.
The only thing preventing a bombing of Colonel Gaddafi's air defences and therefore crippling his reinforcements (and preventing him from calling in airstrikes) is the unwillingness of China and Russia to start military actions against Libya. Other than that, any further actions are being discussed as we speak.

To further get information about this, read this:

What are your thoughts on this?

Personally I think both the UN and Libya handle this horribly - Gaddafi is a simple terrorist and I can not understand as to why there has been no support whatsoever for the people fighting against him, especially after Gaddafi targeted civilian targets on purpose to demoralize the rebels. And if the UN doesn't react quick, it's too late anyway.

Mr. Franklin:
Well, what he has done, is basically put down a rebellion, and he is trying to gain back his control over his people, that is what will happen in a basic Uprising.

This year is off to a greaaaat start: One big ass earthquake, 1 revolution, and a new uprising.

And within a few weeks, 1200 forces from the UN and WHO are dead from the Libyan Uprising


--- Quote from: rocket50 on March 17, 2011, 03:22:12 PM ---This year is off to a greaaaat start: One big ass earthquake, 1 revolution, and a new uprising.

--- End quote ---
Saudi Arabia
>1 revolution

I have just noticed that France, England and the US are indeed launching airstrikes against Gaddafi right now.


--- Quote from: Mr. Don on March 17, 2011, 03:23:27 PM ---Egypt
Saudi Arabia
>1 revolution

--- End quote ---

Those are smaller ones I haven't heard too much about >.>


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