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Chimera hunt messes up fretta

(1/4) > >>

Me and some other players have noticed that every time after playing chimera hunt all the physics props get messed up even after choosing another gamemode. This screws up things like weapon drops in surf and flares in Stalker making them fall through the floor or float.

I enjoy chimera hunt but unfortunately its whats causing problems.

1: Remove chimera hunt and fix it
2: After playing chimera hunt restart server

Comment on this: Is that why I didn't spawn with any weapons on stalker?

» Magic «:
ya we knowz D;

My game crashes sometimes when I'm just about to load this.

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Prox on March 16, 2011, 09:06:59 AM ---My game crashes sometimes when I'm just about to load this.

--- End quote ---

My game ALWAYS crashes when I join this :l

I was even talking to minic about it lol


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