Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Diehards Unban appeal

(1/3) > >>


1. STEAM_0:0:20661089

2. Diehard (doomster132) I have no idea what you mean so I put my login ID and my name no here

3. Darkmind

4. Wirebuild

5. Well I was messing around with coolzedads gf or idk who it was. But I know it was a girl that was an admin... And well I know I shouldn't have messed around with her but I did then I guess she got mad and I got JBanned I tried apologizing but I guess it didn't work so... I've been waiting forever to get my regular back :< but no admins have been online sooo...

6. I did what I shouldn't have and I regret it and I wont do anything like it again

7. Uuuuuuh... This happened a long time ago :3

8. I'm not on there  for some reason....

» Magic «:
Must've been teeny or moolz

contact Moo


--- Quote from: » Magic « on March 15, 2011, 03:32:43 PM ---Must've been teeny or moolz

contact Moo

--- End quote ---

if he got banned for it, it was probably teeny

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: gamefreak on March 15, 2011, 03:36:15 PM ---if he got banned for it, it was probably teeny

--- End quote ---
meeeeeh it's his gf

if it was Teeny then Moo will prolly tell teeny?


--- Quote from: Diehard on March 15, 2011, 02:26:36 PM ---Well I was messing around with coolzedads gf or idk who it was. But I know it was a girl that was an admin...

--- End quote ---
idk if devie has admin


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