.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

cryogenics [Freeze yourself and wake up in the future]

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I don't think I am comfortable with
"legally dead". But that's just me.

Well, when there is a zombie apocalypse and I'm a zombie,
I'm gonna make sure to claim my frozen pizza
I mean brain.


Walt Disney's death certificate -- and yes, he did have one -- indicates that he died of lung cancer in December of 1966. In accordance with his wishes, Disney was cremated two days later and buried in a marked plot. There is plenty of documentation to support these assertions.

There is also written documentation showing that Disney specifically requested not to have a funeral which explains why his memorial service -- if any -- happened away from the prying eyes of fans and reporters.

Cake Faice:
If your legally dead by your heart stopping, thus shutting down all brain activities...how can you be supplied with oxygen to the brain within 7 minutes AND STILL BE DEAD. Wouldn't that make your brain re-function, thus carrying on with all of your body functions and motor skills...thus making you a zombie but minus the lack of motor skills/rotting corpse and urge for brains?

Just because your brain is not dead does not mean that you are conscious and aware.

An example is sleeping.

Or being in a coma.

» Magic «:
So that's where hitler is...


I was jk slaughter them all

I would go to the year 2020, then spit in everyones face for lying.

"Expected to arrive in 2020! The new Flying Vehicle!" MY ASS


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