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[ADVICE] Help me decide which flashcart to buy for my DSi

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After a discussion with Don, I've decided that after I get some more money together I'm going to buy either an Acekard 2i or a Supercard DSTWOi.

However, I'm new to the world of emulators and flashcarts.

I just want a general advice/discussion on which one I should get, from where, and what to do with it once I have one.

» Magic «:
DSTWOi definitely


When you get one: Attach to PC, Follow instructions(It's usually just write the rom's to the flash card and put in NDS, the cards have a GUI to choose which rom to run and other nifty stuff)

It depends on what you want to use it for - if you simply want it to completely legally back up your DS games (and only completely legal DS games, nothing else), then go for the Acekard.
If you plan on using any emulators such as for NES, SNES and GBA as well as completely legally back up your DS games and are willing to spend some extra cash, go for the Supercard.

What Don said doesn't sound quite right... from what I've read so far, the Acekard is perfectly able to run cracked ROMs.


--- Quote from: gamefreak on March 14, 2011, 03:23:40 PM ---What Don said doesn't sound quite right... from what I've read so far, the Acekard is perfectly able to run cracked ROMs.

--- End quote ---
Herp derp how do i video games
It was sarcasm ...


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