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The situation game
Answer: Piss on it i had plenty of 4 locos
Situation: Your in class when all of a sudden your father runs in and kills everyone with his hunting rifle he walks up to you and demands a hershy bar; you look into your backpack and find a snickers.
You eat the snickers bar slowly.. staring into your father's infuriated eyes.
You discovered the location of a nearby armed secret nuclear launch facility.
//Thread Moved
Launch all nukes and have a fun nuclear winter.
You can't decide between Pepsi or Cola.
Say screw it and grab a Dr Pepper.
You find a charge on your credit card for a gay strip club.
--- Quote from: cogsandspigots on March 06, 2011, 06:16:38 PM ---Say screw it and grab a Dr Pepper.
You find a charge on your credit card for a gay strip club.
--- End quote ---
Go to the strip club, and work the charge off.
You find out that there's a zombie apocalypse, but it will be over in a couple months.
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