Entertainment (Read Only) > Post-Based Games/Threads

The situation game

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Sock the guy in the face, take out your machine gun, gun down everyone who witnessed it.

You're wanted for a murder spree.

A: Buy a second machine gun.

You need money, fast.


--- Quote from: coolzeldad on March 16, 2011, 01:40:49 AM ---A: Buy a second machine gun.

You need money, fast.

--- End quote ---

buy yomo corp money maker

yomo corp is bankrupt what do

Simply use yomocorp moneymaker.

Due to using yomocorp money maker in such large quantities, the value of your money is now way down. What ever shall you do?

Buy Yomo Corp Economy Reliever

Economy is saved thanks to you. You are awarded 100000000000000 quintillion dollars. What do


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