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Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on February 28, 2011, 12:27:24 PM ---

Also, cutting releases some hormone or something, can't remember what it is, that actually does calm people.
Just figured I'd mention this before someone says that cutting isn't actually a way to relieve stress and is just for attention or some bull.

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When I've been cut by briars or fences, it only hurts like a motherfucker. That's bullshit that it "relieves stress".


--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on February 28, 2011, 12:40:10 PM ---Yes, I get that, but it's everyone calling him a dumbass, because that's going to convince him not to?
Just ignorant people everywhere...

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How are we ignorant? He's taking a fucking razor blade to his arms, and letting them BLEED OUT, just to 'relieve stress'. That's completely fucking stupid, and he deserves to be called an idiot.


--- Quote from: Death M.D. on February 28, 2011, 12:47:33 PM ---How are we ignorant? He's taking a fucking razor blade to his arms, and letting them BLEED OUT, just to 'relieve stress'. That's completely fucking stupid, and he deserves to be called an idiot.

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He's not more idiot than you are, I can assure you that.

cutting releases endorphines (or however its spelled), which your body uses to relieve pain. like if you get a cut.
the problem is that people cut for emotional pain. which, when you think about it in a logical way, doesn't quite add up.
if you're depressed, see a doctor.

also tiger guy, this applies to your fence.
the brain is so powerful that it can mask pain.
like if your emotional pain is causing you physical pain?
thats your brain. if you stop thinking that, it will go away.
if you think cutting will ease that pain, it will.
because of your brain.

see where i'm going here?


--- Quote from: Frank on February 28, 2011, 12:48:46 PM ---He's not more idiot than you are, I can assure you that.

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--- Quote from: Deacon on February 28, 2011, 12:49:19 PM ---cutting releases endorphins (or however its spelled)

--- End quote ---

The top two ways to cause a release of endorphins in the brain are having sex, and eating.

Next time you want to cut yourself, eat a cookie and fap.


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