Promotions (Read Only) > Admin

Application: Jman

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Hes a funny guy

Great Future admin imo

He knows all the rules of every server but the only problem is that he can be a little imature but every admin does that cept minic because he is srs business

Haven't seen him abuse while I've been playing in game with him and he's fun to play with :thumbsup:

srry bump >.<

You make great decisions and view things fairly when it comes to people.
At least from my experience with you.
You're fun and all that shit when you know its the right time to be all fun.
But when serious shit is going down you definitely know when to be serious.
That was always a good quality about you and that is a good quality to have as an admin.

I know you wouldnt abuse your admin powers in terms of banning and using shit that you shouldn't be taking advantage of as an admin. You're someone to be trusted with this kind of shit and that is a big relief too since admins don't have the time to watch over you like a little kid.

You also make wise decisions and opinion on shit no matter how unfair it is called upon on you.

And the greatest quality you contain that will be good for admin is you won't ever give up on a situation until you figure out what really is the deal.


he's a nice guy, almost all the time i see him playing ttt.
Funny as bish, serious and responsible taking actions he always ask me what to do bla bla bla.
Greatly active in the community, bishing ppl and shiz lol :P.

I know he is gay and always have an Erec.... but he is kewl  :trollface:

Doods imRuben and iAprove thisMessage  :thumbsup:  :nomnom:

Kick ass VIP

Nids Admin

Never aboose


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