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Some new guns for ZS

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Asuna Yuuki:
I'm Thinking For some New Guns,New Melee's,New Choosable Classes And Specialty's For Humans.

Alright Let's Name!

Assault Rifles

AK-47-Known From All COD games.
AK-74U-Only In COD:MWR


Ninja Sword-Known as a Katana
Baseball Bat-From TF2'S Scout
Chair-A Basic Chair
Sword-A Basic Sword
2.Choosable Classes And Specialty's

Normal-Uses the weapons that are used now.

Special Class-Ninja-Unlocked at 50 Kills

Weapons uses
Shooting Stars as Primary
Ninja Sword as Melee
Specialty:Can Turn Invisible By Pressing Shift

Close Combat Uses

AK-47 As Primary
Striker As Secondary
Chainsaw As Melee

Special Class-Warrior-Unlocked at 30 Kills

AK-74U As Primary
Ranger As Secondary
Sword As Melee
Special:Has Super Damage for 5 minutes.

Yep That's All I Wanted To Say.
It's Up to the man:Coolz and teh Admins

Edit:Chair and Bat goes to Normal.

Go play modern warfare. I think animations should be fixed before new features are added

The Ghost Of Anony Mouse:
no can do pal :ghost:

needs other guns than that or it wont match the theme

Asuna Yuuki:
Well can we start a list of games that go with zombies.

And I Know A Fact That Chainsaws have something to do with Zombies.

zs is fine how it is EXCEPT that it needs either a zombie flashlight or more well-lit maps so  :gtfo:


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