Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved
02/26/11 Application: Photosynthesis
Wow wow wow wow. Calm down now.
He's clearly applying for admin, in which this has been placed in the wrong section.
Even though this doesn't count, I still don't think he's even close to ready for admin.
Nope. His little hiney is not ready for admin if you ask me.
I don't think he's ready for either VIP or Admin ...
But I'm just going to withhold my essay until this is sorted out.
He's applying for vip.
What he meant for "administration" is administrating rnd as vip.
He told me last night about the misconception. But I was dead so I couldn't pay attention.
--- Quote ---4th - Hackers = Insta Permabanned
--- End quote ---
VIPs can't perm ban.
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