.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

All this hate.

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Crit Nick:
Im really not understanding all this hate towards me.

I've been gone for atleast 3 months now.

And im still getting this shit, i really have no idea why you people think im a minge, im like any other respected.

I havent banend a person (Beisdes today, and last night), nor have i been on the servers for a while.

If anyone wants to come and tell me why im a "minge" it would be greatly appreciated.

Jim onions for example just hates me because i insulted his map when it was broken, i then complimented it when it was fixed.

Anyways, cake for anyone who replys.  :cake:

Mr. Franklin:
Was their something that happened before you became inactive? that might of been the problem, this whole time...  :ninja: :ninja: :ninja:

Because you touch yourself at night. Cake now.

Crit Nick:
Nou sab.

I've done nothing wrong really.

Im betting on what happened a month after i joined.

i banned a bunch of 12 year old minges and got a bunch of reports on me.

Votekick was gone, so i used voteban.


Haters gonna hate.


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