Bans (Read Only) > Approved
Permabanned for aimbot
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:17790269
Players Nickname: Goobster
In-Game Name: Goobster
Server Name: Trouble in Terrorist Town
Description of the Event: I was the last innocent in the round and there were 3 traitors left alive. I killed Privesse by Mac 10ing him, then I waited for Assassin to come around the corner and headshotted him by luck after shooting him previously from around the corner, then I killed korka because he turned his back on me. After that round the previous traitors accused me of hacking and aimbotting. Next round I was traitor and I killed the detective and Assassin. Since I had a radar I knew where everyone was and killed them. When I killed the last guy who was an admin (batguy) I got banned for aimbotting.
Reason for Appeal: I don't have an aimbot, if he should have banned me for something it should have been wallhacking which it looked like I had, but really it was the radar. And when I killed assassin that was just luck, since he was the only player I killed by headshot, the other ones I just circled around them and shot them to death. I play on this server a lot and the regulars on there will tell you I don't have hacks and that I'm a pretty good player. I'm pretty sure the admin who banned me was just mad I killed him.
Link to sourceban page:
Have your name in-game been "Gooby McGoobster"?
Yes, it was at one point
» Magic «:
Okay dude, Let me explain
First round - You manage to have your scopes on the traitors head and as soon as he popped out you went "boom headshot" with your deagle, he even had full HP
Second round - you manage to run around, without reason to headshot/neckshot/know where everyone is, me and Timo was camping behind the wall tea-bagging each other where no-one could possibly find us - then suddenly you happen to look that way as if you knew we was there and guess what? Headshots! Everywhere!
Pryvisee was also here to witness this, and I will see if I can get Ruben to scan you
IDK if you were using aimbot, but for sure you were using some sort of ESP/Wallhack.
Ok since spectators can see the persons names through walls, I was spectating you. You then followed the persons name and just jumped out and shot the guy. You didn't even check if he was there. It was just instantly. On top of that, you adjusted your aim to his head. So it was a instant headshot pretty much.
And last time I check.. Radar doesn't reset/scan again for another 1 minute.
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