Support (Read Only) > Requests


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Make an actual, reasonable request backed up with a good reason why it should be implamented and people will consider it

hmmmmm..... Thread title says wirebuild, I see a thread complaining about the request system.  I cant tell if he's stupid or  :troll:. You tell me.


--- Quote from: cogsandspigots on February 23, 2011, 12:44:48 PM ---I cant tell if he's stupid or  :troll:.

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all of the above


--- Quote from: Kewl-AiD Man on February 22, 2011, 08:58:59 PM ---Oh boy lets see how people are Contributing to our severs with ideas :)
Oh lookie its a wire idea
*opens thread*
people im more disapointed then when the guy said my situations are simaler to don's

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i said nothing of the sort.

--- Quote from: rocket50 on February 22, 2011, 10:16:47 PM ---Make an actual, reasonable request backed up with a good reason why it should be implamented and people will consider it

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i did and it was locked alsmot instantaneously without any input from any1 else but me and another guy.

--- Quote from: cogsandspigots on February 23, 2011, 12:44:48 PM ---hmmmmm..... Thread title says wirebuild, I see a thread complaining about the request system.  I cant tell if he's stupid or  :troll:. You tell me.

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uhmm go troll on som1 elses thread failure.

--- Quote from: gamefreak171 on February 22, 2011, 08:20:37 PM ---I like how you were banned partially for showing a blatant lack of respect for other players, and then you start a request thread being too much of a coward to address your actual point.

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i already tried to get my point across this is simply explainin that the forums are for losers. and whats the point of a "request" if it gets denied without even being thought about, and no explanation ,, and i wasn't banned for disrespecting any1..  i was banned because of you and your boyfriend making up lies to cover up your minging.


--- Quote from: joshfroh on February 24, 2011, 10:28:48 AM ---i did and it was locked alsmot instantaneously without any input from any1 else but me and another guy.

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The OP says you want people from wirebuil to be able to suggest something new or different... The idea you suggested wasn't new or different.

--- Quote from: Magic ---Already, Said it before, We had them before and they got removed
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OH MY...

--- Quote from: joshfroh on February 24, 2011, 10:28:48 AM ---i already tried to get my point across this is simply explainin that the forums are for losers. and whats the point of a "request" if it gets denied without even being thought about, and no explanation ,, and i wasn't banned for disrespecting any1.. i was banned because of you and your boyfriend making up lies to cover up your minging.
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