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short hair

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Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: StashHouse on February 22, 2011, 02:03:58 AM ---it's better than long hair

if you have long hair

cut it

i've never seen or heard the world so clearly in 3 years

its awesome running without hair getting in your face

it also makes you look younger
and better

so seriously guys. not pointing any fingers *AHEMDONANDSABBATHAHEM*
cut your hair.

--- End quote ---


Long hair kicks ass, mines to my lower back

all you bitches who be hating can BURN

i'ma brunette

short and thick  :trollface:

norly, i hate washing my hair cus it takes forever to dry, liek a sponge.

Supertoaster Brand Sponges

Brunette is a term reserved for girls isn't it...?


--- Quote from: jimonions on February 22, 2011, 05:11:56 PM ---Brunette is a term reserved for girls isn't it...?

--- End quote ---

"People with brown hair are often referred to as brunette, the feminine form of the diminutive form brunet from brun (brown/brown-haired), the masculine form."


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