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Remembering back when we were Mingebags.

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Dr. Insano:
Awwww, Don't you remember the first time playing Garry's Mod? Remember your first car? First Multiplayer Server joined?
Don't you remember those? I do.
I remember getting Gmod on the UndeadPatch that was out (Not that I couldn't afford it or anything, I mean, why buy something you can get for free?) And Playing Singleplayer for the first time. It was a good Experience. Just Mindlessly driving a Jeep into random Zombie hordes, Playing Half-Life 2 on Gmod with Admin sweps. Setting things alight, those were Great times. I remember entering my first server, it was our Plainbuild server. I remember fucking around with Jeeps, destroying people's props (Lol) And other good shit.
Then, I remember finding out about Gamemodes. My first Gamemode was our Zombie Survival. I was a jackass who was killed a lot and raged accordingly (Ask Sanders, he probably knows all about that)
Damn, those first Few months were awesome. I wish I got the same feeling of building something now that I did back then. Those were Goooooooood times. So, everyone, how do you Remember being a mingebag?

TL;DR: Tell me how you remember your Mingebag days of Gmod.
Also, inb4 "I was never a mingebag."

First Server==Sledbuild.

I was one of the firsts to make sign sleds. :3

First server - rnd zs

I.... kept walking into the that fake floor in deathlab as a zombie. Literally.... I die, respawn I walk into it, I die, respawn I walk in to it, etc...

Mr. Franklin:
i dont remember the old days.... back in December, 08... all i remember is joining RnD December 8th, 08.  :nomnom:


--- Quote from: Mr. Franklin on August 24, 2010, 08:37:02 PM ---i dont remember the old days.... back in December, 08... all i remember is joining RnD December 8th, 08.  :nomnom:

--- End quote ---

I don't remember how old I turned.


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