Technology (Read Only) > Mapping

Hay jim, I nids help

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Cake Faice:
Or anyone for this matter.

Since I'm too lazy to post pictures, I r going to describe it.

1. I has a simple room with a grass ground and orange generic dev textures for walls.

2. I have a stand with a func_button on it. And a few meters away is a wall, chopped into bits, ready for Fake-DMM.

3. All the bits are func_physbox's. They all has 0 for strength, 0 for health over-ride, and 150 for Physics Impact force to override Motion.

4. Right next to them are env_explosions. With a magnitude of 250.

5. I has a button that has an output (explode) to the env_explosions.

6. When I press the button, I want the explosions to go off and toggle motion on the walls to make them fall down.

7. And so-far, that is not happening.

I dunno if the env_explosions are set correctly or if it's the wall bits. I just want it so when a player presses the button, it toggles an explosion on the walls, which toggle a physics explosion to send all the bits flying. And I dunt want the walls to enable motion if a player bumps into it or shoots it.

I can haz help?

try env_physimpact

Well since this is a pub thread. Why not I inb4? >:3

Cake Faice:
env_physimpact didn't work :(


I really dont recommend using fake dmm, source physics are wholly unreliable


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