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Flashlight retexture for ZS

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The default flashlight is fine and all but for realisim (forgive my grammar) but Is it that hard to make the flashlight different? Like a orange - battery - is - almost - dead kind of thing? Dim it down a bit Or you could make it an LED - purplish bluisih glow and its not very outlined (like you have all seen a LED flashlight, its not a drawn circle like in a regular flashlight, kind of like a ball of light emitting rays in a sphere)

The Ghost Of Anony Mouse:


--- Quote from: Anony Mouse on August 25, 2010, 12:45:54 AM ---maybe

--- End quote ---
But I yet have to meet man who can outsmart bullet.


--- Quote from: Mr. Don on August 25, 2010, 04:31:53 AM ---But I yet have to meet man who can outsmart bullet.

--- End quote ---
I've yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet


--- Quote from: Master GT on August 25, 2010, 05:05:58 AM ---I've yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet

--- End quote ---
*TF2 theme plays* Cry some moar!!!!!!


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