Promotions (Read Only) > Approved

02/16/11 Application: Sabbath - [APPROVED]

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» Magic «:

--- Quote from: Jman on February 16, 2011, 02:28:20 PM --->mfw Sabbath applying again


--- End quote ---


why did he get demoted?


--- Quote from: » Magic « on February 18, 2011, 10:48:56 AM ---that

why did he get demoted?

--- End quote ---

same reason i got demoted awhile back

he tried reapplying once before this and he was denied

I'm going to repeat myself from Sabb's last app -
SabbathFreak is by far my most favourite candidate for VIP and I have no clue as to why his last app was denied. I don't think there is any person at the moment that should receive VIP more than Sabbath. I am 100% sure that he will never abuse again under any circumstances, so he has definitely learnt from his mistake(s).
Sabb is probably one of the most calm-headed persons I've seen - even when trolls troll, he keeps a calm head and makes his actions based on a neutral stand-point.
Hot damn, this sounds like a fucking propaganda to elect a new president. It's still true.

Sabb, you're a great player, great to talk to, and a generally amazing person. I really hope you get VIP this time.

 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

» Magic «:
Oh I thought it was another reason lol




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