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Minecraft portal win


Dale Feles:
Minecraft Note Blocks - Portal Still Alive (Full version)


Sounded pretty good, but started to turn hectic at 00:30.
Still pretty awesome though, must have taken him for ever.

In a rp server, I made sure to get a lot in the middle of town, and rigged a lever with "pull for cake" above it.

What they didnt know, was that the lever triggered a rick roll loop that wont stop until it's shut down from the inside.

Dale Feles:

--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on February 12, 2011, 03:46:55 PM ---Sounded pretty good, but started to turn hectic at 00:30.
Still pretty awesome though, must have taken him for ever.

--- End quote ---

INVedit :D

but you got a point, even with INVedit it has to take a good 2-5 hours

Oh. My. God. That must've taken so much time to make. Crap, I wonder how big of a redstone clock that is.


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