Technology (Read Only) > Computers

maybe one of you guys can help

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--- Quote from: Deacon on February 10, 2011, 02:50:29 PM ---Hopefully not
I'm hoping a friend of mine will be able to come over, he has an installation disc for me. If not I'm taking this to a shop

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buy a new hd then


Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: Deacon on February 10, 2011, 02:50:29 PM ---If not I'm taking this to a shop

--- End quote ---

Enjoy getting overcharged for labor and parts :|


--- Quote from: Cake Faic on February 11, 2011, 08:49:36 PM ---Enjoy getting overcharged for labor and parts :|

--- End quote ---

I know but I'm fucking desperate. Can't fucking afford it anyway

Bump for success
Ran an .iso called killdisk to wipe my hard drive
Froze halfway through
Error code from hard drive
Checked on hp
Hard drive is fucked
Talked to a guy named frank (lol)
Dude says "hard drive is shit"
I ask warranty
He says sure dude, no problem
And I'm all fuckyea.png
They will even restore my copy of windows 7
So hp is actually helping me.
Thank you guys very much kindly alot for your support and tolerence of my ignorance
Thread is fin
If someone could lock this for me so we don't get someone new going "bootinsafemode", that would be greatly



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