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Loopy's gmod hut

<< < (3/4) > >>

after several hours of school and meal...
when i stopped nailing, i comed with Weld. The weld tool is like the nail, but in this you can nail stuff without need another thing behind it. If you have both nails and welds really solidifies that  ;D

http://img146.imageshack.us/img146/3811/cuy.mp4 <<< WATCH THIS VIDEO!

ok, we are aaalmost done with the walls. But first, lets make them bigger! how? duplicating! just saying because
you will have THIS:

Instead of THIS ONE:

but then you will need to weld and nail the lower wall with the
 upper one, and since you cant nail them good, you will need just to weld! less work for me...

http://img525.imageshack.us/img525/941/m0h.mp4 <<< WATCH THIS VIDEO!

And this is what we have done by now! (woah, it looks moar like a house than a hut  :trollface: )

Be sure to save the game if you make a SUPER-MEGA-FUKIN MISTAKE

#3 soon!..

Nice, Looking good so far,  :trollface:
i just hope a creeper doesn't break rule 76 and destroy it

*rule 76: A character Anonymously appearing in a game they don't belong in

» Magic «:
Where do you get these rules from?!

Lol where'd he go?

Cake Faice:
A horribly rounded wall of non-smooth phx plates is totally a project that needs a guide on.   :nomnom:


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