Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved
Banned for no reason
Im pissed because i got banned for no fucking reason assholes where saying a base i spawned lagged them so i removed it and they said there was no lag anymore so i spawned my base where they couldent see it and they said there was no lag so a vip came in and got xrain to fucking ban me for no reason so im fucking pissed and want something done about this because its not right.
--- Quote from: Ashisto on February 06, 2011, 05:51:54 PM ---there was no lag so a vip came in and got xrain to fucking ban me
--- End quote ---
Uh... what?
How about you calm down, and maybe think before you post.
It wasn't for "no reason"
(Reg) Ashisto: prsn shut the fuck up ur a guest and i have the right to kill you
graffitti51's props have been cleaned up
(Reg) Ashisto: and jail you
(Reg) Ashisto: regs have permission to kill
(Reg) Ashisto: wow dont you guys read the ruels god dam
I remember quite clearly telling you yesterday in another report.
You are not allowed to jail people.
--- Quote from: Xrain ---To everyone else. Dont jail/pewpew/gdc spam mingebags, all it does is make everything worse.
--- End quote ---
Feeling that you have a "right" to kill/ Jail guests simply because you are regular is unacceptable.
I suggest YOU read the rules.
Learn to use commas and periods, then we can talk.
Your base was lagging the entire server, and your unwillingness to delete it until I warned you was an obvious sign that you were aware of that fact.
After you finally removed it and people were saying it stopped lagging, you let out your other intellectual bullshit, which I gave to Devie.
Then it got to Xrain.
Problem solved.
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