Bans (Read Only) > Approved

ach respectard on the loose shdbigfudsg


some prick killed me a few times, so me and anony mouse start killing him, he gets butthurt, tried to ban me atleast 4 times. all failed cause there were enough people to vote no. server crashes as usual. geuss whpo the first 3 in? me, alan and some other guy who voted yes. huray

Welcome (Degtyarev), Dont mess with players' props or minge.
-Enjoy the Server-
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===  Wire revision: 0     ===
=== Local Wire revision:0 ===
RunConsoleCommand blocked - sent before player spawned (ZLib_Installed)
Redownloading all lightmaps
Player Tech has joined the game
Tech (Country: Australia) connected.
(Respected) zZ*Alan* Zz: enngawa
(Respected) [JP]ENNGAWA: wat
(Respected) zZ*Alan* Zz: spawn the SPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEED TRAIN
[SolidVote] zZ*Alan* Zz initiated vote 'Ban player Degtyarev for 60 minutes?'
[SolidVote] Reason: kill people
[SolidVote] zZ*Alan* Zz voted yes.
[SolidVote] Degtyarev voted no.
(Respected) zZ*Alan* Zz: ban him
[SolidVote] [JP]ENNGAWA voted yes.
(Respected) Degtyarev: omg
[SolidVote] Banning player Degtyarev...
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : " "Banned - Visit".
Disconnect: Kicked by Console : " "Banned - Visit".


» Magic «:


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