Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved
Wtf? Got banned because of the topic below this!
--- Quote from: undeadsoup on February 03, 2011, 01:17:25 PM ---Didn't understand... I said that I WAS SHOOTING HIM (invulnerability) and them he started killing me.
--- End quote ---
So the proper response to someone not properly understanding you is to:
- Call them names
- Threaten them
Go and think on that for a bit.
--- Quote from: undeadsoup on February 03, 2011, 01:17:25 PM ---Didn't understand... I said that I WAS SHOOTING HIM (invulnerability) and them he started killing me.
--- End quote ---
That's like saying "I spent the entire ride flicking his arm with a rubber band, and when we got out of the car he punched me in the chest."
At any rate, Go and think on what took place here today. And maybe somewhere down the line when you figure some stuff out you will be welcome here again.
Until then, Mind the doors.
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