.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion

Halp Cake Face find his pingaz!

<< < (13/25) > >>

Cake Faice:
Bla bla bla, cake face encounters other RND faggots and finally makes it to Yomocorp HQ.

Yomocorp HQ, protected by snipers, armed gunman, and furries.

Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: rocket50 on February 04, 2011, 06:22:39 PM ---Yomocorp HQ, protected by snipers, armed gunman, and furries.

--- End quote ---

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Now, what questions should I ask */me reads name stand* gamefreak so he can tell me where my pingaz is?

ask him....
"where is my pingaz".

Sock him in the face. Hopefully that will change the way it looks :trollface:


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