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Can't hear gunshots in TTT

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--- Quote from: ASDF(AssDuff) on January 30, 2011, 07:45:40 PM ---Now all the guns are silenced :(

--- End quote ---

>implying silencers work like verybody thinks they do

Really, people. All a silencer does is make it hard to pinpoint where the gunshot came from. The gunshot'll still be about as loud as a jackhammer (although that's a lot quieter than the jet engine they're loud as unsilenced).


--- Quote from: ASDF(AssDuff) on January 30, 2011, 07:45:40 PM ---Now all the guns are silenced :(

--- End quote ---

Well at least with a silencer you could hear the shots being fired if you're close enough but now we have to hope when someone is killing someone that they miss a shot and it hits a prop that makes a loud sound so we can hear something Lol

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