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Best Anime/Manga Ever!

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--- Quote from: Goat on April 06, 2011, 06:32:07 PM ---You can't be serious? School days was a good show no dought. Go watch Yu-Gi-Oh. Ithink its at your level of anime. ^^

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thas no nice.....

anyway since this has been necro bumped i'd have to say Death Note it was only about 50 episodes long so it stayed fresh as the story lined progress and didnt get stale Spoiler (click to show/hide)(though when L died it did lose some of its flair =[ )

Gundam is awesome. When I visited my relatives in Hong Kong in 2004, my uncle let me play on his PS2 with a Gundam game. Too bad it was all in Japanese so I couldn't do shit. Then he gave me some Gundam models to build. Now they're broken. :(

.hack is another good anime never read the manga though probably made more sense than the show. I actually re-watched .hack last week. Before that I watched soul eater which I also recommend.
Too bad about your gundam models blah2355. You can always find the older ones online though.


--- Quote from: somerandomguy09 on April 06, 2011, 06:39:27 PM ---anyway since this has been necro bumped i'd have to say Death Note it was only about 50 episodes long so it stayed fresh as the story lined progress and didnt get stale (though when L died it did lose some of its flair =[ )

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Fucking spoiler.



--- Quote from: Snivy M.D. on April 06, 2011, 05:42:51 PM ---NOT THAT FUCKING SHIT AGAIN.


I didn't even finish watching that shit. It was like a mix between soft-core hentai and Higurashi.

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Damn for one, Fuck School Days. I got spoiler'd on that one, so ill never watch that shit.

Second, I just recently watched higurashi. Fuck yea. That is all.


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