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Post your Runescape Bank's

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--- Quote from: jimonions on January 30, 2011, 02:33:17 PM ---I was only asserting this fact about runescape, not other mmos.

--- End quote ---

Ah the way i read your post made it seem like its was only limited to RS as if you were implying its doesn't happen on any other MMORPGs

There weren't so many on Wow, in fact the Australian servers in which I played in pretty much everyone was really nice.

lol, this brings back good memories. Me and my friend used to always walk down to the local library and play runescape all day. Oh man, that was so fun. We would sit there until closing time and every 60 mins we would walk up to the librarian and ask give us more time, since they were on a timed usage. Then my friend got into WoW, then a couple of months later, I moved.

Now I'm forever alone.

Oh and I would post my bank, but I'm ashamed of my own money. I have like 2k, but at least I'm lvl 70. hehehehe


--- Quote from: jimonions on January 30, 2011, 02:56:47 PM ---There weren't so many on Wow, in fact the Australian servers in which I played in pretty much everyone was really nice.

--- End quote ---

Yes its rarer to find it happening on a game that costs money to play, when i was a member in RS everyone was nice and whatnot... i find it only happens in free worlds or any game that is free. (well the majority of the time)

When I was younger it was nearly impossible to get into RS for me. I got to level 5 and stopped playing....


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