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Post your Runescape Bank's

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--- Quote from: Cake Faic on January 29, 2011, 11:34:25 AM ---Am I haz noob?

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didn't feel like logging into each account so i just compared the 2 most used accounts Lol

PhysicX M.D.:
I havent play runescape in ages.That last time I played,I was a member(for 7 days)It's gonna take awhile for me to log in because I forgot my password.
But I like to think this event that happen a few weeks ago before I was a member.My account got hacked :(.Hacker sold or either drop all my weapons,armor,etc.And change my gender,my skin and my hair into some black female.It took me a while to get all my stuff back.And when I did,I don't haz alot of money anymoar.


--- Quote from: Shawn on January 29, 2011, 11:19:17 AM ---wow i only posted one of my accounts and its richer then everyone in this thread together LMAO

One of my shields costs more then everyones bank roll LMFAO

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give me your account so i can... idk what ill do with it but give me :3

LOL guys. I allmost got enough money for sara. add me on rs so we can go staking/team pking together!


I really liked runescape, now I just hate it.
Got up to lvl 98 then got hacked so ragequit, that was back in 3rd grade. It looks like a lot have things have changed since then but nothing will ever make me play the game again.

I think I got hacked because someone saw that I was trading 2mil for some epic armor.

I am actually suprised at how easily I gave up runescape after that. I didn't even bother trying to get my account back because I knew that my whole free time was revolving around that stupid game. All I did was pick flax - go to spinning wheel - spin flax - deposit in bank - repeat.

If I learnt anything from runescape its that the majority of people online (confined just to runescape) are little kids with no moral values, weird adults who should get off their ass and find a job, or people who want your account.


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