.:`=-~rANdOm~`-=:. Game Servers (Read Only) > Discussion
MW2 Traitor: IM 8 YEARS OLD!!!
Spoiler: (He add me to friend list) (click to show/hide)(He add me to friend list)
.:RND`=- Yomo: :o
MW2 Traitor: My GMOD
MW2 Traitor: IS BROKEN
MW2 Traitor: Yes the legit one :D
.:RND`=- Yomo: :o
MW2 Traitor: Tell magic to unban me i will buy l4d for him
MW2 Traitor: I gonna give a 2 gmod activation product keys
.:RND`=- Yomo: magix c
.:RND`=- Yomo: is
.:RND`=- Yomo: off line
.:RND`=- Yomo: http://sourcebans.randomgs.com/
.:RND`=- Yomo: If you would like to request a ban or unban please visit our forums ( http://forum.randomgs.com/ )
MW2 Traitor: No, I can;t
MW2 Traitor: but you remember me right
.:RND`=- Yomo: yes i remember
.:RND`=- Yomo: so
.:RND`=- Yomo: why can't
MW2 Traitor: I won't wanna go there
MW2 Traitor: -_-
.:RND`=- Yomo: why
MW2 Traitor: But
MW2 Traitor: I rather prefer ecgaming
MW2 Traitor: its better :D
MW2 Traitor: I just don't play gmod now because i was dling tf2
MW2 Traitor: I can't go cuz magic ip banned me
MW2 Traitor: Just kidding
MW2 Traitor: The're game modes
MW2 Traitor: are boring
Spoiler: I AM USING AIMBOT! (click to show/hide)MW2 Traitor: good if i just want to meet foreign servers
MW2 Traitor: i am banned in 4 servers in gmod
MW2 Traitor: not rnd
.:RND`=- Yomo: for spam?
MW2 Traitor: mostly some another us servers
MW2 Traitor: No
MW2 Traitor: Aimbot :)
.:RND`=- Yomo: fail
Spoiler: ANTI-BAN!! (click to show/hide)MW2 Traitor: it has aim smooth :)
.:RND`=- Yomo: i not wnt ai,bot
.:RND`=- Yomo: aimbot
MW2 Traitor: Aimsmooth + Aimbot so it looks legit
MW2 Traitor: And then coolz will think its legit
MW2 Traitor: :))
.:RND`=- Yomo: o rly?
MW2 Traitor: Yes
MW2 Traitor: so if you think other guys are pro
MW2 Traitor: they aim smooth
MW2 Traitor: then you might think they are pro if they do headshots then using aim smooth :)
.:RND`=- Yomo: so
.:RND`=- Yomo: use for?
.:RND`=- Yomo: TTT?
MW2 Traitor: Anti-Ban
MW2 Traitor: Yes
MW2 Traitor: I have anti-ban method now
MW2 Traitor: ill use aimsmooth then aimbot
MW2 Traitor: the admin won't ban me cuz
MW2 Traitor: he thinks its legit
Spoiler: I JUST SAY SECRET (click to show/hide).:RND`=- Yomo: btw
.:RND`=- Yomo: u want unban?
MW2 Traitor: NO WAY
.:RND`=- Yomo: :O
.:RND`=- Yomo: lol...
Spoiler: DDOS (click to show/hide)MW2 Traitor: These are few methods how to ddos a server
.:RND`=- Yomo: wow
.:RND`=- Yomo: tell me how to
MW2 Traitor: -_-
.:RND`=- Yomo: ddos
MW2 Traitor: just kidding
MW2 Traitor: i just heard that word somewhere
.:RND`=- Yomo: i want ddoss to my shit friend server
MW2 Traitor: You must USE BOTNET
MW2 Traitor: USE *** (Removed by yomo)
MW2 Traitor: BUt i think
MW2 Traitor: CUZ THEY HAVE LIKE 33.532.53252:8001 <---- the 8001
.:RND`=- Yomo: ya im not want ddos to Vavle
MW2 Traitor: i said valve servers like rnd
MW2 Traitor: but
MW2 Traitor: i think websites could be
MW2 Traitor: But you might think i am the one who ddos the RND server but i am not
.:RND`=- Yomo: so anyway use *** for DDOS?
.:RND`=- Yomo: or DOS
MW2 Traitor: If someone ddos rnd then don't know what user it is then, might be a hell alot of botnets
MW2 Traitor: but just try making it work for servers like ECGGaming
MW2 Traitor: If you ddos thats stupid
.:RND`=- Yomo: ddos is good idea for crash server :o
MW2 Traitor: But i don't have any botnets like zeus
MW2 Traitor: Yes without getting into gmod server
MW2 Traitor: some hackers use like that
MW2 Traitor: especially russians
MW2 Traitor: If no one knows who ddos the server its probably russians thats why we experience ddos/dos in the rnd server
.:RND`=- Yomo: oh u mean
.:RND`=- Yomo: rnd have ddos / dos protect?
MW2 Traitor: No
MW2 Traitor: Its probably russians who ddosed the RND Server
MW2 Traitor: or the guys who hate it
MW2 Traitor: eastern europe is full of hackers there
.:RND`=- Yomo: i think all russian hate our server
.:RND`=- Yomo: our = rnd server
MW2 Traitor: Maybe because of lies and bans
MW2 Traitor: i think if some users like falconspace lie about ban request
MW2 Traitor: Maybe thats the one russians hate it
MW2 Traitor: And then all russian people saw it but didn't reply to topic cuz maybe its locked
.:RND`=- Yomo: lol...
MW2 Traitor: But
MW2 Traitor: when i enter a dutch server or some european server
MW2 Traitor: in gmod
MW2 Traitor: i see nothing ddos
MW2 Traitor: just normal
MW2 Traitor: but i think russians must hate americans i think thats why they ddos it
.:RND`=- Yomo: fff
MW2 Traitor: No one knows if sheeps_aholy ddosed it
MW2 Traitor: no one knows if nailcannon ddos the server
MW2 Traitor: I think for some servers have ddos protection thats why
MW2 Traitor: No one knows if You ddosed it
MW2 Traitor: :D
.:RND`=- Yomo: check log for
.:RND`=- Yomo: know ip :o
MW2 Traitor: I just tell you the truth
MW2 Traitor: if you don't trust this
MW2 Traitor: goodluck
.:RND`=- Yomo: wow u talk about
MW2 Traitor: You might blame nailcannon then me
.:RND`=- Yomo: im ddos to server?
MW2 Traitor: Yes i just say about that but no one knows
.:RND`=- Yomo: i dont ddos..
.:RND`=- Yomo: my internet sucks
MW2 Traitor: Then moo might blame magic for ddos then magic will blame me for ddos
MW2 Traitor: I know your internet sucks
MW2 Traitor: Just imagine that they might ban everything in the server lol
.:RND`=- Yomo: LOL
.:RND`=- Yomo: How you know
.:RND`=- Yomo: my internet sucks
MW2 Traitor: Just funny thing
MW2 Traitor: LOL
MW2 Traitor: Its just funny way if magic bans all rnd users then coolz will ban hammer magic and demote
MW2 Traitor: LOL
MW2 Traitor: Not just magic but
MW2 Traitor: sanders might probably ban moo then
MW2 Traitor: It would be funny if sanders/ or other admin ban other admin then doing revenge ban hammer
.:RND`=- Yomo: anyway
.:RND`=- Yomo: you give L4D to magic for unabn?
MW2 Traitor: Yes i will buy HIM
MW2 Traitor: I save money for
MW2 Traitor: unban
MW2 Traitor: :D
MW2 Traitor: RND Yomo
MW2 Traitor: Are you
MW2 Traitor: why ur afk
MW2 Traitor: are u gonna post this on forums?
MW2 Traitor: Stupid
.:RND`=- Yomo: No
.:RND`=- Yomo: Im checked my bath room
.:RND`=- Yomo: so looks like afk
MW2 Traitor: kk
Spoiler: L4D2 is fucking sucks!! (click to show/hide)MW2 Traitor: TF2
.:RND`=- Yomo: i dont play TF2
MW2 Traitor: you play?
.:RND`=- Yomo: I like gmod and L4D
MW2 Traitor: LEFT 4 DEAD
MW2 Traitor: is better than left 4 dead 2
MW2 Traitor: Left 4 dead 2 is crap
.:RND`=- Yomo: why
MW2 Traitor: Cuz the graphics looks ass
MW2 Traitor: and shit
.:RND`=- Yomo: its same
.:RND`=- Yomo: for me
.:RND`=- Yomo: :o
MW2 Traitor: i like left 4 dead because it has realistic
MW2 Traitor: it has realistic environments and graphics
MW2 Traitor: also you can see your legs so it would look relaistic
MW2 Traitor: but l4d2 doesn't
.:RND`=- Yomo: im not need leg
.:RND`=- Yomo: im zombie
MW2 Traitor: In left 4 dead 2?
.:RND`=- Yomo: no
.:RND`=- Yomo: in real life
MW2 Traitor: Left 4 dead 1?
MW2 Traitor: Cool
.:RND`=- Yomo: yabaaaaaaaaa
.:RND`=- Yomo: LOL
MW2 Traitor: Ok
MW2 Traitor: l4d
.:RND`=- Yomo: but
MW2 Traitor: has more realistic environment and graphics would you agree this?
.:RND`=- Yomo: i sill like L4D2
.:RND`=- Yomo: I like shotguns
.:RND`=- Yomo: and chain saw
MW2 Traitor: L4D1 Is better than L4D2
.:RND`=- Yomo: OK
.:RND`=- Yomo: but L4D1 is
MW2 Traitor: L4D2 - some crappy graphics card would run this lol
.:RND`=- Yomo: No kanata sword
MW2 Traitor: But
MW2 Traitor: i think for l4d2
MW2 Traitor: would be good for some crappy graphics card
MW2 Traitor: i think they are same as l4d1 -_-
Spoiler: NO WAY!! (click to show/hide).:RND`=- Yomo: can i post to forum
.:RND`=- Yomo: really funny
MW2 Traitor: No way
MW2 Traitor: NO WAY
.:RND`=- Yomo: ok
MW2 Traitor: If i see it
MW2 Traitor: i will **** It
.:RND`=- Yomo: ddos?
MW2 Traitor: No
.:RND`=- Yomo: ddos to yomocorp server?
.:RND`=- Yomo: LOl
MW2 Traitor: NO
MW2 Traitor: i WILL
MW2 Traitor: KILL IT
.:RND`=- Yomo: Kill who
.:RND`=- Yomo: Magic?
MW2 Traitor: the
MW2 Traitor: forum
MW2 Traitor: i will
MW2 Traitor: use axe to
MW2 Traitor: smash the forum.randomgs.com
.:RND`=- Yomo: axe?
MW2 Traitor: Yes
MW2 Traitor: an axe can be in l4d2
MW2 Traitor: like chain saws
.:RND`=- Yomo: lolol...
MW2 Traitor: you see that you battling with zombies
MW2 Traitor: i will force all my zombies to attack the randomgs
.:RND`=- Yomo: Rofl
MW2 Traitor: I mean
MW2 Traitor: I MEAN
.:RND`=- Yomo: randomgs = domain
MW2 Traitor: CUZ IM KING
MW2 Traitor: IM
.:RND`=- Yomo: KIng in?
MW2 Traitor: Im king of zombies
MW2 Traitor: i will use zombies
.:RND`=- Yomo: LOL
MW2 Traitor: to attack
Spoiler: How old is you (click to show/hide).:RND`=- Yomo: snyway
.:RND`=- Yomo: anyway
.:RND`=- Yomo: how old is you
.:RND`=- Yomo: im 17
MW2 Traitor: IM 8 YEARS OLD!!!
.:RND`=- Yomo: o rly?
MW2 Traitor: YES
.:RND`=- Yomo: do you know myppl8?
.:RND`=- Yomo: he is 8year old too
MW2 Traitor: HIS A FAG
.:RND`=- Yomo: LOL
MW2 Traitor: The ddos is not rela
MW2 Traitor: REAL
MW2 Traitor: but i will use the zombies to force to broke the RND Building
.:RND`=- Yomo: wait wtf
.:RND`=- Yomo: rnd is
MW2 Traitor: If the guy repaires the building
.:RND`=- Yomo: not buidling
MW2 Traitor: also
MW2 Traitor: ill attack moo's house
.:RND`=- Yomo: LOL
MW2 Traitor: randomgs.imo
.:RND`=- Yomo: u hate moo?
MW2 Traitor: imoo.randomgs
MW2 Traitor: No
MW2 Traitor: If i see moo hates me
MW2 Traitor: i will attack the moo's house
.:RND`=- Yomo: Why
MW2 Traitor: i will force my zombies to attack moo's house
MW2 Traitor: i said im king of zombie
.:RND`=- Yomo: so
MW2 Traitor: if moo's house is broken
MW2 Traitor: they might make a new house i think
MW2 Traitor: :D
Spoiler: GIVE YOU CRYSYSY!!!! (click to show/hide).:RND`=- Yomo: anyway
.:RND`=- Yomo: u is stupid
.:RND`=- Yomo: :)
.:RND`=- Yomo: time is money
.:RND`=- Yomo: ya
.:RND`=- Yomo: unban is money
.:RND`=- Yomo: wat
.:RND`=- Yomo: ^this
MW2 Traitor: Yes
MW2 Traitor: UNBAN
MW2 Traitor: Then promise no more hax
.:RND`=- Yomo: bu
.:RND`=- Yomo: t
.:RND`=- Yomo: u use aim smooth
.:RND`=- Yomo: or someting
MW2 Traitor: No i won't I PROMISE I PROMISE
.:RND`=- Yomo: question
MW2 Traitor: I should give crysis then no more aimbot and hax
.:RND`=- Yomo: why you want join rnd server
.:RND`=- Yomo: why not go to other server
.:RND`=- Yomo: lol
MW2 Traitor: I do
MW2 Traitor: i was just banned like 4 servers
MW2 Traitor: rnd is just good for low latency
MW2 Traitor: i was banned like 4 servers
.:RND`=- Yomo: lol
MW2 Traitor: or +1 is rnd
.:RND`=- Yomo: anyway
.:RND`=- Yomo: u is no unban
.:RND`=- Yomo: thank you
.:RND`=- Yomo: - yomogimochi
MW2 Traitor: Why?
.:RND`=- Yomo: HAX
.:RND`=- Yomo: =
MW2 Traitor: fail question
.:RND`=- Yomo: No UNBAN
MW2 Traitor: DUDE
MW2 Traitor: ILL GIVE
MW2 Traitor: CRYSIS
MW2 Traitor: -_-
.:RND`=- Yomo: Give crysis = not unban way
.:RND`=- Yomo: thnank you
MW2 Traitor: No
MW2 Traitor: I didn't even use hax
MW2 Traitor: -_-
.:RND`=- Yomo: Lol
MW2 Traitor: HAX = NO UNBAN?
.:RND`=- Yomo: u said 8time
.:RND`=- Yomo: Yes
.:RND`=- Yomo: HAX = prem ban
MW2 Traitor: What for 1337 Years?
MW2 Traitor: LOL
MW2 Traitor: Banned for 1337 Year?
.:RND`=- Yomo: i dont know
.:RND`=- Yomo: thank you
.:RND`=- Yomo: im go to bath
MW2 Traitor: KK
.:RND`=- Yomo: please have a good banned day
Full chat log here
>mfw Mw2 traitor is a Filipino
Spoiler (click to show/hide)FUCKING GTFO HOUR CONTRY!
yes i mad because he is a filipino
that bitch has trolled me since i met him
Spoiler (click to show/hide)FUCKING GTFO HOUR CONTRY!
Aeta, I am disappoint.
Oh and...
--- Quote from: iPounce on January 25, 2011, 04:25:31 AM --->mfw Mw2 traitor is a Filipino
Spoiler (click to show/hide)FUCKING GTFO HOUR CONTRY!
--- End quote ---
--- Quote ---MW2 Traitor: Maybe because of lies and bans
MW2 Traitor: i think if some users like falconspace lie about ban request
MW2 Traitor: Maybe thats the one russians hate it
MW2 Traitor: And then all russian people saw it but didn't reply to topic cuz maybe its locked
--- End quote ---
i lol'd
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