Entertainment (Read Only) > Videos

Some funny video I recorded a couple months ago

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Mr. Franklin:
i remember that... funny shit...  :gtfo:

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Peetah on August 21, 2010, 08:10:34 PM ---One LOOONG nigga moment.

--- End quote ---
More like a furry moment. Fail :troll:, please  :gtfo:.

» Magic «:

Sounds like he's saying "phuck!"

Tiger Guy:

--- Quote from: Marked One on August 23, 2010, 04:07:36 PM ---tigerguy is a fury


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Stop hiding what? If someone names has a 'furry' animal in it, does that mean they are a furry? That means Tomcat is a furry too, and I sure his name isn't referencing to a cat. If you knew the true meaning of my name, you would understand. You are just a dipshit that jumps to conclusions, and can not make a new joke up. There are rednecks at my high school that are less ignorant than you. You sir, mam, or it, need to   :gtfo: and take your fail with you.


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