Bans (Read Only) > Approved
Yes, Pry's VIP demotion appeal.
--- Quote from: Orgazmo on January 22, 2011, 11:20:07 PM ---uhhhhhh Admin for life and i have all of like lowest ban score ever. I resolve through asplode and rockit
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I fuckin lold at your most recent ban…
who you gonna call!? GHOSTBUSTERS!
Classic :D <3
--- Quote from: Jman on January 22, 2011, 10:08:49 PM ---
283 Bans. Thanks.
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".:RND`=- jman15234 | KBz Votebanned 'Tiny' - normal: racism repeatedly after kick"
".:RND`=- jman | KBz Votebanned 'Rocket50' - normal: I regret nothing. You are gay."
".:RND`=- jman15234 Votebanned 'PinchyMistsz' - normal: mothafucka minge get banz"
".:RND`=- jman15234 Votebanned 'SabbathFreak9=RHS=(MA)' - normal: Son, I am dissapoint."
Kill_N-Dark Votekicked '[DAF] jman15234' - normal: porn sprys.
[DAF] jman15234 Votekicked 'Kill_N-Dark' - normal: abusing respected
I need to stop changing my name, it's getting hard to track my bans/kicks.
>30 bans
I suppose I'm just too nice to minges.
Or people generally never break rules when I'm around.
Pick one.
oh dear, I didn't even notice this was still Pry's appeal.
--- Quote from: memo3300 on January 23, 2011, 04:47:23 AM ---".:RND`=- jman15234 | KBz Votebanned 'Tiny' - normal: racism repeatedly after kick"
".:RND`=- jman | KBz Votebanned 'Rocket50' - normal: I regret nothing. You are gay."
".:RND`=- jman15234 Votebanned 'PinchyMistsz' - normal: mothafucka minge get banz"
".:RND`=- jman15234 Votebanned 'SabbathFreak9=RHS=(MA)' - normal: Son, I am dissapoint."
Kill_N-Dark Votekicked '[DAF] jman15234' - normal: porn sprys.
[DAF] jman15234 Votekicked 'Kill_N-Dark' - normal: abusing respected
--- End quote ---
"I regret nothing. You are gay."
What the shit? Seriously, jman? Seriously?
--- Quote from: memo3300 on January 23, 2011, 04:47:23 AM ---".:RND`=- jman | KBz Votebanned 'Rocket50' - normal: I regret nothing. You are gay."
--- End quote ---
Oh yes. This.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
--- Quote from: memo3300 on January 23, 2011, 04:47:23 AM ---Kill_N-Dark Votekicked '[DAF] jman15234' - normal: porn sprys.
[DAF] jman15234 Votekicked 'Kill_N-Dark' - normal: abusing respected
--- End quote ---
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