Bans (Read Only) > Approved

Yes, Pry's VIP demotion appeal.

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Glad to see this was simply  just a misunderstanding cause when i saw he was jbanned i was like nawwwww but then i was like whuuut  :icecream: i read this and i was like k  :thumbsup:

Well good thing he got it back. :)


--- Quote from: Peetah on January 22, 2011, 03:39:41 PM ---Well good thing he got it back. :)

--- End quote ---
lol not yet. I'm still JBanned and I need to talk to Moo about it. But he's busy and not responding. D:

Why is everyone assuming it's a misunderstanding?
It wasn't?
Pry did something kinda stupid... and got a short 5 min ban for it.
Every time Moo bans someone, he demotes them to JBanned.
I don't think it's necessary to have Pry kept demoted, and I don't think that he will be either.

I think the first rule of the server should be: If you get banned by moo, talk to moo. No exceptions.


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