Restricted (Read Only) > Übermensch Members

How could we let this happen?

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As soon as I saw this thread I automatically knew it was about me.

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Yeah, I thought the same when gamefreak reached Senior.

>implying it's special anymore to reach uber/senior
Dayum, I needed ages to reach Uber on the old forum and now fucking everyone is uber.
Then again, there wasn't that much spam on the old forum ...


--- Quote from: Don on January 22, 2011, 05:42:57 AM --->implying it's special anymore to reach uber/senior
Dayum, I needed ages to reach Uber on the old forum and now fucking everyone is uber.
Then again, there wasn't that much spam on the old forum ...

--- End quote ---
:D :D
There was a bunch of spam on the old forum.


--- Quote from: Frank on January 22, 2011, 05:39:17 AM ---Yeah, I thought the same when gamefreak reached Senior.

--- End quote ---

At least my posts are usually relevant and not nothing but talking shit about other members.


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