Entertainment (Read Only) > Games

My First Game!!!

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Well since this is being posted in again.. I must ask. Is the tower defense coming along or did you give up on it?


--- Quote from: Pryvisee on January 28, 2011, 06:47:37 AM ---Well since this is being posted in again.. I must ask. Is the tower defense coming along or did you give up on it?

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Or perhaps he never began and its only a illusion? Have you considered the fact that there is no spoon?


--- Quote from: Jman on January 23, 2011, 08:26:58 AM ---I was actually thinking the towers would be different admins.

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Cheesicle is a Cheese Icicle trap thats like spikes and kills a couple enemies before wearing out :D

Norton deemed it a virus and deleted it :l

Spoiler (click to show/hide)BehaviorWS.Reputation.1 is a detection for files that have a low reputation score based on analyzing data from Symantec’s community of users and therefore are likely to be security risks. Detections of this type are based on Symantec’s reputation-based security technology. Because this detection is based on a reputation score, it does not represent a specific class of threat like adware or spyware, but instead applies to all threat categories.

Well shit Norton! This must be a virus because less than 10 people that have norton have used this file! -.-

Norton is shit

My dad chex if i have it installed LOL


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