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Yo guys Remember me ?

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--- Quote from: Don on January 21, 2011, 02:27:16 PM ---This so fucking much.

Seriously people ...

--- End quote ---

> People
> Implying more than one person.

Everyone else just didn't know him. Lol.


--- Quote from: Death M.D. on January 21, 2011, 02:38:59 PM ---> People
> Implying more than one person.
Everyone else just didn't know him. Lol.

--- End quote ---

Just because it was Shawn in this one case doesn't mean it's not directed to all people.
You know who you are.
Stop it.


--- Quote from: Don on January 21, 2011, 02:40:26 PM ---Just because it was Shawn in this one case doesn't mean it's not directed to all people.
You know who you are.
Stop it.

--- End quote ---

No srsly I'm not even joking read the first page of this thread i answered his question and that was it, but he kept coming out with some ridiculous idea that i was lying to him and mad at him.

I remember you.
The name only cause it was long time.

So, how ago did he play? Doesnt ring a bell :3


In the beginning when you said

"What the hell are you talking about? flood? if so no! flood has been redone..."

It was a little overboard in contrast to: You mean flood? Then No, flood has been reset so we cant your return money and guns


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