Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

slipstro banned

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--- Quote from: maloney on January 15, 2011, 09:59:29 PM ---i vouch for slipstro he doesn't hack

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This guy sounds legit, definitely not a dupe account.


--- Quote from: gamefreak on January 15, 2011, 10:11:16 PM ---This guy sounds legit, definitely not a dupe account.

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Date Registered: Yesterday at 09:11:16 PM

i agree :D

I don't know who maloney is, but you can check the IP logs.

I hate boomerime. Just yesterday i was playing zs on zs_fort_advanced. I had like 60 kills or so on wave 6 and he kept whining like a bitch saying "Stop stealing my kills" but the only reason he could not kill a thing was because he still had a 0 tier weapon.

>edit: magic just ban boomertime for 120 days


--- Quote from: Cable on January 16, 2011, 12:11:29 AM ---I hate boomerime. Just yesterday i was playing zs on zs_fort_advanced. I had like 60 kills or so on wave 6 and he kept whining like a bitch saying "Stop stealing my kills" but the only reason he could not kill a thing was because he still had a 0 tier weapon.

>edit: magic just ban boomertime for 120 days

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reason: :trollface:


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