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Admin Request: Dorzak
What servers I play on
I haven't played Garry's Mod in multiplayer much, but I regularly play on Counter Strike: Source, Team Fortress 2, and Half Life 2: Deathmatch before
Why I would be a good admin
I would always be polite to anyone, whether they are new or not, as long as they're polite and don't hack
What I would do in certain situations
If someone is doing nothing except trying to stir up trouble in chat, I would give them up to three warnings and then kick them If they keep at it. If they return and continue to do it, I'll give them one warning, then a ban.
If someone is being rude to someone simply because they're new at a game, I'll do the same thing
If someone is hacking, I won't give them any warning before banning them.
Anyway, thanks for taking the time to read this.
For one, never heard of you. And two, ... Get to know the community before yu go all chip'n'dales and start to apply. Plus, other admins post your admin app. So you have to PM this.
Might want to try for VIP first.
On a second thought, Reg would be a good start...
--- Quote from: SabbathFreak on January 13, 2011, 07:20:52 PM ---Might want to try for VIP first.
On a second thought, Reg would be a good start...
--- End quote ---
Lol. Looks like he hasn't even played rANdOm servers. So try to get Guest firstly...
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