Creative Arts (Read Only) > Graphics

Wtf Printer... yourdoinitrong

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So, I just finished an assignment I had to do for English, witch is 10% or my grade and kind a big deal.
Right after I finish it, I go to print it. Turn on my printer. Wait a while and go get a drink so the printer's got time to start up and do it's shit.
Then I go and print it.
Go talk to a friend for a bit.
Come back.
This is what I find:

I fucking shit you not.
The printer decided to nope.avi my assignment, and printed out trollface...
Now I sorta know why it did this, but right after that, printer runs out of ink. This means that I can't print my assignment :l. Fml
Luckily I can just bring it on a memory stick to school tomorrow and print it then.
Still pretty bullshit lol.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)Btw, it printed trollface for me cause a while ago I printed trollface.jpg for something, and I guess it wanted to print it again for me lol.

You can make money off that shit.
Just need to find the right people o_p.

Oh yeah. It probably printed that because it was pending since it didn't get printed that first time.


--- Quote from: Pryvisee on January 13, 2011, 07:27:39 PM ---didn't get printed that first time.

--- End quote ---
It did though ._..

Did you tell it to print twice? (i.e. it didn't work the first time then you clicked print again)


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