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Solution for shitty reg apps...?


Shouldn't the logical solution be to force new users to read the sticky before they apply?


> Newbie Registers
> Clicks Regulars
> Clicks create a topic
And then a message pops up that says something along the lines of "The administrators would like you to view this page before creating a topic in this section." at which point, it waits three seconds before redirecting them to Moo's post.

At that point, we know everyone who registers and created a reg app would have seen the guidelines. If they don't wish to follow it, you can just remove it without warning. That simple.

I know a lot of forums with vbulletin use it on some more...important sections?

Anyhow, I think it'd be a load off, not having to post in 9/10'ths of the reg apps that forget to put a date or their steam ID.

Aw man, when I saw the title that idea popped up instantly. So +1

If they want it enough - they'll figure it out themselves.
It's their own fault for not doing enough research.

It just shows us how much they want it.
I'm sick and tired of reminding these people what they need to have on their application.
I've been nice enough to give them a chance and remind them even.
As other users and admins have as well.

But I edited the How to: Regular thread by moo so that way, NO ONE should make the mistake of not putting it on there.
As far as reading it, well, that's their job to do now. We provided enough.

I'm giving people a day to read what I edited in the How to: Regular thread.
Then I will begin deleting these apps that lack what is needed.

Simple as that.

Eh. It's your choice. I was putting an idea out there to try and lessen the amount of times you guys need to remind them to put a steam ID/Date.

--- Quote from: Devie ♥ on January 13, 2011, 03:34:53 PM ---I'm sick and tired of reminding these people what they need to have on their application.

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: Death M.D. on January 13, 2011, 03:40:46 PM ---Eh. It's your choice. I was putting an idea out there to try and lessen the amount of times you guys need to remind them to put a steam ID/Date.

--- End quote ---

I'm done reminding them shit. I have been too nice. The easiest way to remedy the problem is deleting their shit.
I refuse to spoonfeed these applicants by doing something like redirecting them to the How to: Regular.
There won't be any reminding from me anymore. It's instant deletion as soon as I see it.

So solution for shitty reg apps = deletion without notice.


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