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--- Quote from: Cake Faic on January 11, 2011, 02:04:33 PM ---Google>>rent a nice, 20 slot server for $22 a month>???>PROFIT

--- End quote ---
Well excuse me, others don't get money put in their poo by their parents and don't want to waste $22 on something they can do themselves just as well.

Cake Faice:

--- Quote from: Don on January 11, 2011, 02:19:14 PM ---Well excuse me, others don't get money put in their poo by their parents and don't want to waste $22 on something they can do themselves just as well.

--- End quote ---

I'm sure everyone would love to host a server from their own computer, 24/7, hogging up it's resources and interwebs.

And for the record, my mommey and daddey wont pay for it either way :trollface:

I'm working in the school server room, without any network restrictions AT ALL. I'm also trying to set up a dedicated cracked LAN server. (The teacher isn't going to go out and buy 40 copies of CS 1.6, even though he used to run a Steam cafe).

I've tried running it on Ubuntu, Wine, and a Windows XP virtual box. Tomorrow I'll probably try installing XP on one of the old computers (Running windows 2000) and see if it works.

And yes, the school computer teacher/manager is letting a freshman work in the server room. Don't question it.


--- Quote from: gamefreak on January 11, 2011, 03:17:45 PM ---I'm working in the school server room, without any network restrictions AT ALL. I'm also trying to set up a dedicated cracked LAN server. (The teacher isn't going to go out and buy 40 copies of CS 1.6, even though he used to run a Steam cafe).

I've tried running it on Ubuntu, Wine, and a Windows XP virtual box. Tomorrow I'll probably try installing XP on one of the old computers (Running windows 2000) and see if it works.

And yes, the school computer teacher/manager is letting a freshman work in the server room. Don't question it.

--- End quote ---


The school comes to me when something needs fixing


--- Quote from: Tomcat on January 11, 2011, 05:34:37 PM ---lol

The school comes to me when something needs fixing

--- End quote ---

Our teacher is 50-60 years old, and was part of the team that designed the first non-integrated RAM modules.

We like to make chuck norris jokes about him alot.


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