Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

09/11/11 Application: Lil Fox

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» Magic «:

--- Quote from: bubby24 on January 09, 2011, 07:45:29 AM ---Lil fox's SECOND VIP ApplicationName:Ryan packer
Steam idSTEAM_0:1:33520649
In RND since:Almost a year
Times online:Whenever i can
Time Zone:USA:Eastern time zone
Servers I mostly play on:TTT,zs,onsluaght
Steam Name:Lil fox,.:~RND`=-Lil Fox, ♥Lil fox♥, or ham sandwich
Why I should be VIP:Im a active user on fourm and in game
Why I want to be VIP:So i can help if theres a minge (propkiller etc)and kick/ban them to help out :3
SituationsKilling fellow Traitor buddy on TTTBan
RDMing the detective as an innocentKick, second time Ban
Someone is glitching (not spawned on glitch, TTT and Flood)Tell them to stop or kick
Someone is using a name changertell them not to if continued ban
Someone is using an aimbotban
Someone is using speedhacksBan
Someone is mic-spamming, general population wants him/her goneI would tell them how to mute people and that mic spamming is not a kick/bannable offense.
Someone is constantly disrespecting other peopleTell him to stop
Contributions to RND:An   active fourm user,and active game member,Contributes to ideas aswell   (trys to suggest stuff that might make ingame more interesting)
Games I have (on Steam):Killing   floor,Left 4 dead, Left 4 dead 2, Garrys Mod, Counter Strike source   Hl2,(and ep2 only)Team fortress 2 Zombie Panic Source Methods to contact me:Ingame,steam,skype( few friends active in RNDDeath M.D. Cabal Magic, and Pryvisee
ExtraI love RND servers and i want to contribute as much as i can to keep it Minge/Hacker free and make everyone welcome to RNDThanks everyone who +1's :D Thanks to Don for reference to this app!

--- End quote ---

Hater's be hatin', I like this guy he is cool, nice to be around with he always plays with me when I ask he is very friendly :) +1

09/11/11 ... wat

 :thumbsdown:, definitely not ready for VIP.

Meh time does not matter.
Though I can remember lil fox has been here since 2010...
Anyways I see him as responsible man. +1 from me.

I did play with he, he is good player. :thumbsup:

Eh, haven't known him for long enough to make a decision on whether he's VIP material. So uh +0  :)


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