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All non Warcraft player can gtfo in this thread  :trollface:.

I'll start:

Ima translate what they are saying:

joie: Stop fucking killing us, Toss somebody and We will kill him.

marcela: Don't do it.

joie: Toss it to us and we will kill him.

marcela: <insert bad word>

marcela: =d

joie: Just Toss somebody to us and WE WILL KILL HIM.

BTW my name is I just had sex

30 kills, 0 deaths. OFC, I didn't stayed on our Well, I just go killing I see lolz.

I just pwned our TEAM A in DotA team.

Footmen Frenzy is much better than shitty-ass DotA. :trollface:


--- Quote from: DaeniDan on January 07, 2011, 06:32:28 AM ---Footmen Frenzy is much better than shitty-ass DotA. :trollface:

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LOLOLOLOL, but Footmen Frenzy is good tho. As long as Temple of pronz :trollface:

Oh wow. DotA... Valve is helping make the 2nd one instead of making ep3.. fkdota.


--- Quote from: Pryvisee on January 07, 2011, 06:52:07 AM ---Oh wow. DotA... Valve is helping make the 2nd one instead of making ep3.. fkdota.

--- End quote ---
>He even thinks of any DotAs after the WarCraft III one, even though the devs split up ages ago and are now producing three different games.


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