Bans (Read Only) > Unapproved

Man-Hash Ban Appeal



1. Player's SteamID (STEAM_0:0:1234)


2. Players Nickname


3. Your in-game name


4. Server name (Wirebuild, Zombie Survival)

Trouble in Terrorist Town - Gmod

5. Description of the event(s)

A kinda gross hentai spray was being sprayed when we were playing Office on a full server. Moo threatened to ban everyone if we didn't figure out who is was. So the next round Moo gathered us all and told us to spray our sprays. Mine was a PG-friendly spary so I wasn't worried...but alas I was the traitor!

So throwing all logic aside I threw a knife across a crowded room while everyone was looking down. It hit moo in the face.

I was obviously banned instantly. For one day.

6. Reason for appeal

It was really funny.  Please spare me the "it's moo" speech, I have heard it a thousands times, yes this guy has a short fuse blah blah blah. Just want it expunged that's all. I got nothing against Moo either. I was just being a traitor and killin folk.

7. Screenshots or demo(s) | Optional console log(s)

(Admin) Moo: in the hall behidn t spawn
(Admin) Moo: its easier for me to ban everyone
(Admin) Moo: then unban
(Guest) [Asimo] Karma: @hey admin... just say everyone put their spray down and see whos it is... if they refuse then its a ban.
(Admin) Moo: the people woh didn othign wrong
TTT:   [NK] Litmeuplol found the body of [WDZ] Snake Griffin. He was a Traitor!
TTT:   [NK] Litmeuplol confirmed the death of Man-Hash.
TTT:   [NK] Litmeuplol confirmed the death of **killjoy*.
Player [WDZ] Snake Griffin left the game (Disconnect by user.)
TTT:   [NK] Litmeuplol found the body of **killjoy*. He was innocent.
(Admin) Moo: dont have @
(Admin) Moo: for users
(Guest) [NK] Litmeuplol: sam shotgunned me.
[Zombie Survival:Console] "(Reg) [N3XT] Revenant: Mr.Freeman is doing the nazi spray again."
(Guest) Man-Hash: yay im getting banned again
(Admin) Moo: lemme check alive palyers
TTT:   The Traitors have been defeated!
Round state: 4
TTT:   Let's look at the round report for 30 seconds.
TTT:   thememoryman found the body of SAMMY-ROCK {hwu}. He was a Traitor!
TTT:   thememoryman confirmed the death of [NK] Litmeuplol.
(Guest) KillerBEE: How can people believe these 10 year old kids and not me?
TTT:   thememoryman found the body of [NK] Litmeuplol. He was innocent.
(Guest) [NK] Litmeuplol: so wheres hentai porn ._.
(Admin) Moo: behidn hall
(Admin) Moo: in t spawn
(Admin) Moo: everyone spray ur spray
(Guest) Chaos_wolf11: agreed
[SolidVote] Type votekick or voteban to initiate a vote kick or ban.
(Guest) [NK] Litmeuplol: oh gawd.
(Admin) Moo: in t spawn
TTT:   Your Karma is 513. As a result all damage you deal is reduced by 60%
TTT:   A new round begins in 30 seconds. Prepare yourself.
Round state: 2
Server default language is:   english
(Admin) Moo: so i can figure this shit out
(Guest) Buzzkill1: my fuckin mouse died
(Guest) §§™sno |Alpha Wolf|™§T: yea
(Guest) KillerBEE: kids need to die
(Guest) KillerBEE: 1 by 1
(Guest) Man-Hash: nobody caresz
(Admin) Moo: everyone
(Admin) Moo: spray ur fking spray
You are playing Trouble in Terrorist Town, version 22.
You are: TRAITOR
TTT:   The Traitors have been selected.
Round state: 3
TTT:   The round has begun!
(Admin) Moo: at t spawn
You are: TRAITOR
TTT:   Traitor, these are your allies: §§™sno |Alpha Wolf|™§T, Chaos_wolf11
(Guest) §§™sno |Alpha Wolf|™§T: kk
(Admin) Moo: go
TTT:   You have received your special equipment.
(Guest) Buzzkill1: idk wheres t spawn
(Guest) Cerealkiller: mine doesnt appear
(Admin) Moo: no porn sprays
TTT:   Cerealkiller found the body of Moo. He was innocent.
TTT:   thememoryman found the body of Man-Hash. He was a Traitor!
(Guest) Man-Hash: lol moo
(Admin) Moo: wow
(TRAITOR) §§™sno |Alpha Wolf|™§T: DAMN you
(Admin) Moo: i was figureing somethign out
(Guest) Chaos_wolf11: y would someone get banned
Player Arch28806 The Best has joined the game
(Guest) Man-Hash: i know
Arch28806 The Best (Country: Australia) connected.
(Admin) Moo: k ur smart
(Guest) Chaos_wolf11: for spray
(TRAITOR) §§™sno |Alpha Wolf|™§T: LOL

8. Link to sourceban page (

can't you find out sprays using +mat_texture_list in console?

Edit: I don't know what common sense is, ignore me.

You've had previous issues in the past.

I would like to submit two previous threads into the court record.,3092.0.html


My guess is that you don't have legit Gmod, which is why you play on RND servers most.
You had a ragefit once, and DDoS'd it.
Along with insulting other players and offending them.

You've done it with others before, when no Admins or VIP's around. Fact is, you're simply a bully.

Moo was trying to resolve an issue with someone spraying offensive pornographic images, and you blatantly stopped him. You said you "Threw all logic aside" and your only plea was the it was "Really funny".

Regardless of how it went, Console logs mean nothing unless they're screenshots.

You make the game not fun for other players, and prevent them from having a good time.
You just care about yourself, and have no respect for authority.

Just take the Day ban, and be glad Moo didn't perma you.


--- Quote from: Death M.D. on January 06, 2011, 05:36:29 PM ---You've had previous issues in the past.

I would like to submit two previous threads into the court record.,3092.0.html


My guess is that you don't have legit Gmod, which is why you play on RND servers most.
You had a ragefit once, and DDoS'd it.
Along with insulting other players and offending them.

You've done it with others before, when no Admins or VIP's around. Fact is, you're simply a bully.

Moo was trying to resolve an issue with someone spraying offensive pornographic images, and you blatantly stopped him. You said you "Threw all logic aside" and your only plea was the it was "Really funny".

Regardless of how it went, Console logs mean nothing unless they're screenshots.

You make the game not fun for other players, and prevent them from having a good time.
You just care about yourself, and have no respect for authority.

Just take the Day ban, and be glad Moo didn't perma you.

--- End quote ---

This guy still thinks I DDoSed the server?

Wow what a troll post. You are just out to get me for anything you can. I'd appreciate if you stop spreading lies about me. Kthx. I'm not a bully and I served my time for the "cheesicle incident".

Besides...why do you need to be alive to check sprays? That seems counter intuitive. Especially being that an admin could spec or noclip around to find out what was going on.

MODIFIED: Misposting

Your ban has been extended to two days.

--- Quote ---(Guest) Man-Hash: yay im getting banned again
--- End quote ---

That there tells me you were just out to be a flippant ass about things, even if you don't feel like you were being flippant.

Honestly, its a 1 day ban. I'd understand if you were given a 1 week, or something to that effect.

You weren't banned solely because you killed moo while he was trying to get rid of someone violating the rules.
You were banned because you were simply trying to provoke a situation for the hell of it.

--- Quote from: Man-Hash on January 06, 2011, 05:47:48 PM ---This guy still thinks I DDoSed the server?

Wow what a troll post. You are just out to get me for anything you can. I'd appreciate if you stop spreading lies about me. Kthx. I'm not a bully and I served my time for the "cheesicle incident".

Besides...why do you need to be alive to check sprays? That seems counter intuitive. Especially being that an admin could spec or noclip around to find out what was going on.

MODIFIED: Misposting

--- End quote ---

Previous incidents are certainly relevant to new infractions, especially if they are about similar issues to the new infraction.

If moo felt he needed to be a spectator to find the culprit, he certainly would have switched to spectator. You don't need to be helping him do his job.

Now as to the reason I'm extending your ban.

It's generally not normal procedure to make someone's ban longer when they post an appeal. For rather a good reason, as it kinda sends the message that we dislike it when people try to contradict rulings made ingame.

But this is not the case, the appeals section is here for a reason, as it gives us a chance to rethink our decisions made in-game.

However, in your case as I see it; you posted an appeal so you can continue playing (which is natural). But you appeal basically consisted of, you telling us that moo has no idea what hes doing and he banned you because hes a quick person to get angry.

This is not the case of course, its not that moo gets angry easily, its more he just doesn't put up with any bs.

Because of this I chose to extend your ban since you were acting in the forums, just the same way you were acting in-game. Just the fact that you were attempting to appeal a 1-day ban tells me that all you want to do is raise a fuss.

At any rate I have some advice to aid you in your continued playing on the servers.  (Weather or not you are guilty of any of these.)

1. If an admin is trying to weasel out who is breaking a rule, try not to hinder him, even if it is the normal course of gameplay.

2. Don't treat this place like 4-chan.

3. Don't even speak of DoS'ing anyone, we have a zero-tolerence policy

4. Don't be an ass to people

Lastly, the rules on the forums and servers, says to "Use Common Sense" I know this seems to be a difficult concept for just about everyone these days, but it will aid you greatly in your continued playing if you figure it out.


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