Promotions (Read Only) > Unapproved

06/01/11 Application: Photosynthesis

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Photosynthesis's VIP Application

Steam Name:ladydarkside


Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:18911727

Name:Jacob Nguyen
Location:USA, Oregon, Beaverton
Age: 14, Male

Hobbies:Making Origami from Intermediate>Advance

Steam games i own on steam:
All Half life 2 series
Left 4 Dead
Team Fortress 2

In RND since:2008

I have been on RND a little more than 2 years since April

Times online:4-6hours

If you don't have any proof to show theres a hacker then that's you're problem..

Must give proof[video,pictures] for me to ban hackers

Will be watching over players rule breaking if vips aren't on, stopping minges/rdmers on all servers and gladful to help anytime on zs/ttt/wirebuild

Never abused my powers as a Regular, Just voting Yes/No on whoever is being votekicked or voteban on my decision as Regular

Must protect players rights to play by getting rid of micspammers, rdmers, minges, and hackers with voteban/kick warning votes

Rdming/minging on servers:
1st Warning
2nd votekick
3rd voteban

Massive RDMING Situations:

1-I'll help you with any needs on wirebuild, ttt, or anything else to comfort/help you in a server

2-Need any help/tips/advice? Ask me!

3-Love to minge?, Get off of RND! :)

4-Major Rdmers

5-Proppush leads to propkill then leads to warning

Server Plays:TTT, ZS, Wirebuild, Deathrun, and Sledbuild

Watching over servers for VIPS/Admins, Helping other players have a fair game or banz.

Contact Information:Steam chat, email[],Facebook, in-game, or Skype

Bill of Rights - Play,Bored,Minge,GTFO!


--- Quote ---Must protect players rights to play by getting rid of micspammers
--- End quote ---

Other than that, I have seen him a lot voting yes on random votes without even knowing what's going on - this could imply a certain abusive core as VIP, so I'm going to have to -1 this. :thumbsdown:

definitely hasn't been here since 2008. When he f irst joined a couple months ago he was really obnoxious and attempted to troll me but recently has been really cool. Im going to +0 to prevent butthurt.

Haven't played with him, but yeah what carp said. Definitely not 2008. So +0  :)

» Magic «:


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