Technology (Read Only) > Mapping


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--- Quote from: jimonions on January 06, 2011, 11:43:17 PM ---Your trees appear to be lighted up wrong.

use info_lighting and configure the tree's options to use that as a reference.
(info_lighting should be placed somewhere above your trees)
to further enhance your lighting use advanced compiling options and put this in the vrad parameters under hdr full compile
-StaticPropLighting -StaticPropPolys -TextureShadows

your vrad hdr parameter should look something like this:
-hdr -StaticPropLighting -StaticPropPolys -TextureShadows -game $gamedir $path\$file
these cmds are how Valve compiles their maps

NOTE: it does not have to be an hdr full compile configuration. You can use default and/ or fast compile and add those cmds to the vrad run line.

If this sounds unclear then talk to me on steam

--- End quote ---

You noticed that problem to  :(
i will fix the lighting for the trees

i wish some of the shadows for the palm trees were NOT JUST A BIG BLOCK
but rather the palm tree itself BUT with this fix it will be marvelous
ill set up a new dl when done and hand it over to an admin  O0

» Magic «:
Seems kewl, just need to add more ambiance, the random ambiance that you have now stands out lol

Care to mirror it on multiupload so I don't have to wait for an 80kb/s american server?

omg this map is hawtness i wanna bang u!

 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

--- Quote from: » Magic « on January 08, 2011, 04:02:37 AM ---
Care to mirror it on multiupload so I don't have to wait for an 80kb/s american server?

--- End quote ---

 :trollface: americans use ur bandwith bish

» Magic «:

--- Quote from: ♥♥♥Supertoaster♥♥♥ on January 08, 2011, 04:08:56 AM ---omg this map is hawtness i wanna bang u!

 :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

 :trollface: americans use ur bandwith bish

--- End quote ---

well I just spent an hour downloading and I just spent half an hour upload it to the server

It's uploaded anyway


--- Quote from: » Magic « on January 08, 2011, 04:41:32 AM ---well I just spent an hour downloading and I just spent half an hour upload it to the server

It's uploaded anyway

--- End quote ---

shit sorry
i was shoveling a driveway (here in NC, USA) during the time of the post you put up

ill give you one :quakemedallion: for the time you took to DL
ill give you another :quakemedallion: for putting it on RND
and a fovare  :trollface: :trollface: :trollface:


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